New Email Address

If you have a new email address and want to update your CEUHelper login, we can help with that! 

You will not be able to update your login yourself (this feature was removed for attendees due to frequent errors).  The next step is to contact or submit a support ticket in the app. 

Work Emails

Word to the wise... if possible, please use a personal email when creating your CEUHelper accounts.  Many people use work emails only later to realize they have changed jobs and need to update their accounts.  This creates more work for everyone. 

Contact Support

When you contact support, please provide the following information: 
  • your name(s) associated with your account(s)
  • your current login(s) or email(s) for your CEUHelper account(s)
  • the new login or email you want for your CEUHelper account
  • your credential or license number (to verify your identity)

For example:

Name: Test Testy, formerly Test Helper (I got married!)

Current email:, 

New email: 

Credential/License: 0-00-293922

NOTE: There are many people in the world with the same name(s) or similar spelling names.  Please make sure to provide your full name (e.g., first, last, and possible variations) you may have used to create CEUHelper accounts.  It is difficult for us to locate all of your accounts without all your information!